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Beauty pageants, including Miss Universe, in my opinion, have their supporters and critics. Some people see them as an opportunity for women to showcase their beauty, style and talents. It can also be a platform to draw attention to important social issues, such as rejecting violence, supporting humanitarian initiatives, and raising money for charity. I recently saw an interesting article on one of the French websites about the 10 Most Beautiful Miss Universe Winners of the Last Decadehttps://cuisinemoiunmouton.com/les-10-plus-belles-gagnantes-de-miss-univers-de-la-derniere-decennie/
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Beauty pageants, including Miss Universe, in my opinion, have their supporters and critics. Some people see them as an opportunity for women to showcase their beauty, style and talents. It can also be a platform to draw attention to important social issues, such as rejecting violence, supporting humanitarian initiatives, and raising money for charity. I recently saw an interesting article on one of the French websites about the 10 Most Beautiful Miss Universe Winners of the Last Decade https://cuisinemoiunmouton.com/les-10-plus-belles-gagnantes-de-miss-univers-de-la-derniere-decennie/