What are the mockups in this download for? Vania created these mockups to show, project and promote her own merchandising creation in a more real context. In fact, this is another of the most important practical functions of mock ups, it is the sale of our work. The mockups in this download will serve, on the one hand, to show those who follow your work how the final product looks with your printed design, which will probably motivate them much more when making the purchase. In addition, this possibility will allow you to visualize the result of your creation without having to invest money in creating the object itself. Free
Download Three Editable Kawaii Style Mockups 6 This is another of the mockups that you can access in this download. About the author of these resources Vania is a self-taught illustrator whose creations are halfway between the Japanese Kawaii style (which means jewelry retouching service cute and cute) and Cartoon. Thanks to this, she has been able to create a unique, recognizable style full of personality. Among her creative habits, she confesses her predilection for filling her workspace with objects that inspire her. That is why her studio is full of paintings both by authors she admires and her own, and dolls, ranging from Sailor Moon to Superman, a character that has inspired her identity on social networks.
You can see her in action in this Domestika Diaries. Who are these mockups for? These files are aimed at students, professionals or illustration lovers who want to create their own brand. The requirements to use them To take advantage of them you will need to have your own designs and a basic knowledge of Photoshop. Free Download Three Editable Kawaii Style Mockups 10 This is another of the mockups that you can access in this download. Download below Three editable mockups to create your merchandising. This is a .zip file that you will need to unzip. Inside you will find three PDS files that you can edit in Photoshop. Download the file below: